6/6 chromatic harp model

Klangwerkstatt Harpe

Artefakt Harpe

Henrik Shupp Harpe

Zangerle Harfen

Magus Harps

 Blevins Harps

Bardic Strings

Dario Pontiggia 

Professional Concert 6/6 Chromatic Harp


Mountain Glen Harps LLC

Argent Fox

Kortier Cross Strung Harp 


MV Custodie di strumenti Musicali Michele Viola


Facebook Page



Chrom- Harpists, Builders, and Assiociations’s WolrdNetwork link:

Page Facebook Arpa Cromatica/ ChromHarp / Cross Strung Harfe / Harpe Chromatique

The group is dedicated to ChromHarpists around the world that collaborate to networking and the devolopment the Cross strung Harp 6/6 and 5/7

to add click in the link or write an email to chromharpnetwork@googlegroups.com

These links do not in any way constitute any review. They merely serve to assist interested . I am happy to take counter indications of other interesting links that fit the theme.

Historical types: chromatically tuned harps are since 15/16. Known century. Arpa Dos Ordenes(Spanish harp with crossed strings) Arpa Doppia (Italian double or Tripelharfe) Pleyel harp with images of a restoration Weigel Harp triple harp

Doppelchromatische Harp of H. Greenway (Brooklyn, 1895)
at the National Music Museum in Vermillion, South Dakota, USA

Lessons for chromatic harp 6/6:
new learning platform by Vanessa D’Aversa (in English|Italian)

Learn to 6/6 Cross Strings Harp together others ChromHarpists:
Something for history of the chromatic harp from the perspective of Klangwerkstatt
Something for history of the chromatic harp from the perspective of Christoph Pampuch
Something for history of the chromatic harp from the perspective of Reidun Schlesinger
Something for history of the chromatic harp from the perspective of Anna Zauner -Pagitsch in Harfenwiki .

ChromHarpist Mirjam website: Mirjam Rietberg

Learn to 5/7 Cross Strings Harp:
La renaissance de la harpe chromatique from the perspective of Vanessa Gerkens (Belgium)
Something to cross strings harp (. In Engl) from the perspective of Mountain Glenn Harps
Something to cross strings harp from the perspective of MumaHarps (in Engl.)
The contemporary cross strings harp from the perspective of Harper bag (America)

chromatic harp maker in America

historical compositions for chromatic harp Danses for chromatic harp and string orchestra (Claude Debussy)

Website of friends of chromatic harpplayers (in German):
Freundeskreis der chromatischen Harfenspieler

Yahoo Group of chromatic harp players:

The Chromatic Academy  by Brandden Lassells & Donald Hall.