Harps Festival Arpademia – Sassello, Italy 21-23 Settembre/ September 2018

3 CHIS days imperdibili ad Arpademia dal 21 al 23 Settembre a Sassello per arpisti, compositori ed arrangiatori:
I giorno Enarmonia Estemporanea per Arpa a Pedali ed a Levette
II giorno Corso d’arpa cromatica 6/6
III giorno Arpa Jazz

Non perdere questa occasione!

3 CHIS days not to be missed in Arpademia from September 21st to 23rd in Sassello for harpists, composers and arrangers:
I day Fast Enharmony for Pedal and Lever Harp
II day Chromatic harp course 6/6
III day Harp Jazz

Do not miss this chance!L’Harps Festival di Arpademia si arricchisce di novità:data l’estrema varietà di richieste nei confronti degli argomenti e moduli didattici proposti dalla M° Vanessa D’Aversa divideremo in prevalenza le attività in 3 session Days del Progetto didattico CH.I.S.che presenta nuove tecniche didattiche per lo sviluppo armonico e consapevole dell’arpa a pedali, a levette e dell’arpa cromatica 6/6.

I CHIS Session Day Corso di Enarmonia Estemporanea Mattina teoriaEnarmonia Estemporanea per Arpa a pedali ed Arpa a levette per arpisti, compositori ed arrangiatoriF.E.L.A. Technique (Fast enharmony for Lever Harp) – F.E.P.A. Technique (Fast Enharmony for Pedal Harp)Pomeriggio esercitazioni pratiche(per arpisti, con arpe e PedalPad) e di arrangiamento e composizione (per arrangiatori e compositori)– F.E.P.A. Technique (Fast Enharmony for Pedal Harp) Enarmonia estemporanea per arpa a pedalicontenuto seminario e libro didattico:

– F.E.L.A. Technique (Fast Enharmony for Lever Harp) Enarmonia estemporanea per arpa a levettecontenuto seminario e libro didattico:

II CHIS Session Day Corso d’arpa cromatica 6/6

Mattina tecnica

libro didattico : First Contact Metodo per arpa cromatica 6/6

Pomeriggio esercitazioni pratiche e di composizione per arrangiatori e compositori– First Contact – Seminario Didattico per lo studio dell’arpa cromatica 6/6 di: base, intermedio ed avanzato”

III CHIS Session Day Arpa Jazz

Mattina Storie d’arpa nell’improvvisazione– Seminario Storie d’arpa nell’improvvisazione

Pomeriggio Tecniche d’improvvisazione esercitazioni pratiche ed esercizi enarmonici o di composizione per arrangiatori e compositori.– Arpa Jazz

The Harp Festival of Arpademia is enriched with new features:
given the extreme variety of requests regarding the topics and teaching modules proposed by M ° Vanessa D’Aversa we will mainly divide the activities in 3 session Days of the CH.I.S. Didactic Project presents new teaching techniques for the harmonious and conscious development of pedal harp, levers and chromatic harp 6/6.

I CHIS Session Day Fast Enharmony Course
Morning theory Fast harmony for pedal harp and harp with levers for harpists, composers and arrangers
F.E.L.A. Technique (Fast enharmony for Lever Harp) – F.E.P.A. Technique (Fast Enharmony for Pedal Harp)
Afternoon practical exercises (for harpists, with harps and PedalPad) and arrangement and composition (for arrangers and composers)
– F.E.P.A. Technique (Fast Enharmony for Pedal Harp) Extemporary enharmony for pedal harp seminar content and book method.

– F.E.L.A. Technique (Fast Enharmony for Lever Harp) Extemporary enharmony for harp with levers
seminar and book content
II CHIS Session Day Chromatic harp 6/6 course 
Technical morning
didactic book: First Contact Method for chromatic harp 6/6

Afternoon practical and composition exercises for arrangers and composers
– First Contact – Didactic Seminar for the study of the 6/6 chromatic harp of: basic, intermediate and advanced
III CHIS Session Day Harp Jazz
Morning: Harp stories in improvisation
Afternoon Improvisation techniques, practical exercises and enharmonic or composition exercises for arrangers and composers.
– Jazz Harp
educational path link:
Info of Harps Festival


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