Storie d’Arpa nell’improvvisazione

Storie d’Arpa nell’improvvisazione Isbn 9788892693494 (available English Version) ORDER BY EMAIL OR IN AMAZON Storie d’arpa nell’improvvisazione – Vanessa D’Aversa Cosa intendi per arpa jazz? Cosa intendi per improvvisazione? Come fai ad improvvisare con l’arpa? Molto spesso si associa nel mondo Accademico, l’idea d’ arpa solo al mondo dell’orchestra, e nel mondo del jazz […]
Partecipa al corso di Arpa Jazz

Il corso di Arpa Jazz di lezioni individuali redatto da C.H.I.S. si tiene presso Veroli (FR) ad un’ora da Roma e a Milano, o in seminari presso altre Istituzioni. Manda un email per iniziare questo corso, email programma in questo link ARPA JAZZ Ad Ogni modulo completato verrà rilasciato dopo un esame d’idoneità del livello […]
Jazz Harp / Arpa Jazz

Harp Jazz (path for pedal harp and chromatic harp 6/6) The first path of study tested and defined in collaboration with great musicians of the sector together with Vanessa D’Aversa, during the first experimental degree in Jazz in Italy performed by an Italian harpist in an Italian Conservatory. For information on holding lessons at CH.I.S. […]
My First Paper ChromHarp 6/6

When I decided to change the harp I had many years of study behind, a classic harp diploma, I had given up 3 scholarships in the most important conservatory in France and I was studying jazz without harpist for my choice and I take lessons with my American Berklee Piano Jazz teacher who in those […]
First Contact

First Contact” è un corso modulare per Arpa Cromatica 6/6 (Cross Strung Harfe 6/6) Chromatic Harp 6/6 organizzato dal C.H.I.I.S., che consiste in vari levelli: “First Contact” is a modular course for Chromatic Harp 6/6 (Cross Strung Harp 6/6) , organized by C.H.I.I.S., which consists of some levels: Nel livello Propedeutico si inizia ad avere un orientamento chiaro […]
New Way to Harping begin…

Hello everyone! This site will be the first learning platform specially designed for all people who want to play the chromatic harp 6/6 (cross-strung harfe), where you can increase your musical knowledge through many levels, and learning with materials audio video, with tabs, fingerings for the development of the technique , transcriptions for chromatic harp, […]